Governors are a school's "critical friend" who support the headteacher, while being unafraid to challenge existing processes, to drive school improvement, both academic and pastoral. They are volunteers over the age of 18.
Responsibilities of a governor
Primarily, they are tasked with helping:
- plan the school's strategic direction
- oversee the school's financial performance, ensuring money is well spent
- hold the headteacher and senior leadership team to account.
Governors play a key role in helping decision-making around the school, such as running buildings, budgets, supporting staff and setting the standards for discipline and uniforms.
The Hollyfield governors sit on at least one of the following committees:
Leadership, Management and Resources (LMR) Committee
Social, Behaviour and Attendance (SBA) Committee
Quality of Education (QoE) Committee
Each member of the Governing Board is required to attend two evening meetings per half-term (one online and the other in school) which often means reading necessary school documentation in preparation.
The Every Child Every Day Trust delegates responsibility to the governing body at Hollyfield and you can find the following documents on their website.
- The Funding Agreement - the Academy’s contract with the Department for Education, administered by the Educational Funding Agency (EFA).
- The Memorandum and Articles of Association - the Academy’s governing document as registered with Companies House.