Mission Statement
Hollyfield Promotes
- High achievement
- High standards
- High expectations
- Personal development
- Moral values
- Support and care
- A sense of community
Hollyfield promotes the highest academic attainment with a caring, co-operative and orderly environment which fosters understanding and appreciation of, and respect for, its community.
- To promote the highest academic achievement of which each pupil is capable
- To equip pupils to become well adjusted members of a rapidly changing and increasingly complex society
- To develop self-respect and the capacity to become indepdent, self-motiviating adults able to work as individuals and as member of a group
- To appreciate human achievement
- To help pupils develop considered beliefs, values and attitudes
- To work towards equality of opportunity for all
Enabling Personal Development
Through individual coaching and target setting, we monitor pupil progress and ensure all our students are given advice and encouragement they need to fulfil their potential
Developing Moral Values
Through our comprehensive personal and social education programme we engage our students in debate about current moral issues. We ask our pupils to explore their own views and opinions to facilitate their development towards reaching their potential as responsible citizens.
A Sense Of Partnership
We believe that a quality education requires close cooperation between pupil, parent and school. Our home school partnership is a clear declaration of our belief in that cooperation. Regular liaison with parents is the key to meeting individual pupils needs. We achieve this with contact through homework diaries and parents evenings. Parents are kept informed about their child's progress each term. Our Parents Teachers Association organises regular educational and social events.
A Sense Of Community
We believe in traditional values, including honesty, hard work and consideration for others. Our mentor scheme encourages support and care between the upper and lower school. Our Sixth Formers assist with reading in the lower school and are involved with welfare organisations in the local community.
A Sense Of Confidence
We believe it is important for members of the school to have confidence. Our pupils have confidence in their own skills to become high achievers. Staff and governors have confidence that they will take the school from strength to strength. Parents are confident that we will guide their daughters and sons to a successful future.
The Character Curriculum at Hollyfield
At Hollyfield School we firmly believe that the many positive experiences provided for our students during their time in secondary education will have a major impact on their future wellbeing and success. Therefore, we have made explicit links within our pastoral and teaching curriculum to address the development of character virtues, attitudes and behaviours which we believe underpin achievement and allow students to be the ‘best version of themselves’.
Our chosen character virtues are: Good communication | Organisation | Bouncebackability | Initiative | Gratitude. These are referred to as our GO BIG Character Virtues.
What do they mean?
Good communication is being able to transfer information in an appropriate way with others
Organisation is being mentally and physically prepared to face any challenge. Therefore making arrangements or preparations to help support success.
Bouncebackability is continuing to apply yourself when success is not immediate: the stamina and resilience needed to keep going when faced with setbacks.
Initiative leads to greater understanding by considering and challenging how information has been revealed, or why it is presented in a certain way. Curiosity gives you a greater appreciation of different ideas and cultures.
Gratitude is being able to be thankful and to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
A broad view of the character curriculum
The term character curriculum is used to describe an approach to developing a set of values, attitudes, skills and behaviours that are thought to support a young person's development and contribute to their success in school life and in the adult world. The curriculum is underpinned by our commitment to the personal development of every student and works alongside our personal welfare and development programme.
Character education is about helping our young people grasp what is right and wrong and, importantly, how to behave.