Universal provision
As part of our universal provision students discuss mental health and wellbeing in a variety of forums. This includes:
PDW sessions on Mental Health and Wellbeing. These are led by the form tutor and delivered during PDW lessons and tutor sessions. They focus on identifying signs and symptoms of mental health concerns and also strategies and tools for the students to look after themselves.
Assemblies - these are led by the head of year, SLT and external speakers. They focus on raising awareness around mental health and wellbeing, challenging the stigma and often include student participants. They are also used to signpost students to areas of support both inside and outside the school.
Communication with parents - the school will regularly share information and guidance with parents via parent mail. This will include information about services of offer to support families and also how to support their child.
National events - the school celebrates national events that focus on Mental Health. Examples include; time to talk events, World Mental Health Day and Children’s mental health week.